
Metroid Prime: Trilogy (Nintendo Wii)

Buy Cheap Metroid Prime: Trilogy (Nintendo Wii)

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The new Wii controls will bring an entirely new level of immersion and freedom to these milestone games, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Metroid Prime: Trilogy will offer the ultimate Metroid collector's item for all Metroid fans and those who are looking for the ultimate first-person action game.

  • One Disc, packaged in an exclusive sleeve, offering all three great Metroid first-person action titles but now all adapted to be played with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk.
  • Players control Samus by moving with the Nunchuk controller and aiming with the Wii Remote controller, allowing for a level of immersion unlike anything they have ever experienced. It's a quantum leap in first-person control.
  • Samus employs well-known power-ups like the Grapple Beam and Morph Ball, as well as new surprises, to help her survive. Using the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers, players will be able to grasp and pull things by using actual arm movements, as well as execute amazing feats like aiming and blasting in midair or at a full run.
  • Collect coloured badges throughout all three titles and swap them for extras.


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Customer Buzz
 "The Metroid Prime Trilogy - Good Idea, Mediocre Execution" 2009-10-02
By Garion Rudd (United Kingdom)
If, like me, you only caught onto the Metroid franchise because of the Prime trilogy, then this game has already piqued your interest. Be honest, who would not want three games for the price of one? If you were already a Metroid fan before Metroid Prime, going as far back as the original Metroid for the NES, then a 'collector's edition' of the trilogy would also seem like a worthy purchase. Anything to give you credibility amongst friends, I suppose.

In any instance, Metroid Prime Trilogy (hereafter dubbed as MPT) seemed a positive, if not unoriginal, means to further bestow the Prime series some 'wow' factor. Already acclaimed as the groundbreaking style for the Metroid games, it was also the most anticipated group of games to be expected on the GBC and Wii, aside from the usual Nintento hype over Smash Bros. or the like. Obviously when a trilogy finishes, you release them all over again but with greater convenience, right? Right. Lucas did it with the Star Wars, and that's exactly what Nintendo has done.

The controls for each game are in the format of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (MP3). That is, using the Wii remote and Nunchuk for Samus Aran's weapons and movement. This was used to great effect in MP3, as most of the enemies and puzzles required precision aiming with the remote, or intuitive grappling with the Nunchuk. Someone up in the Nintendo HQ saw these controls as good enough to be used for the first and second Metroid Prime games. Upon playing these games with the wii controls, when I'd already played the originals with the Gamecube controller, I had to agree. It is a lot more fun to move the remote when aiming rather than simply using a shoulder button as in the originals. What the controls gain in ingenuity, however, they lack in any practical use. For one, all you need to do in MP1 and MP2 is lock on and shoot. None of the enemies have specific areas to fire at with the Wii remote, as they do in MP3. This lack of using the controls effectively seems to make it more of a gimmick than a 'new concept'.

On the plus side, MPT has kept all of the unlockable extras and bonuses that were in the original games, and has made them available through the collection of 'credits' that were, again, first introduced in MP3. This is especially good news for those of us (and me) who missed out on some extras, such as the Fusion suit for MP1, which was only available through linking up to the GBA game Metroid Fusion. Playing through MP1 with the Fusion suit was an added bonus for me, as I had not done that with the original game.

A further addition to the trilogy is multiplayer, which was pioneered in MP2. Friends can now fight each other as various colours of Samus using the Wii controls, which adds another element of fun to the game. The only downside to the multiplayer is that there is no online gaming. It would have been interesting to see people play multiplayer Metroid over Wi-fi, but sadly Nintendo have taken 'keeping the games exactly the same' a little too far.

Expanding on that point, all of the Prime games are exactly the same as the original releases. Or so it is claimed. Upon playing through the trilogy, I noticed that the time spent waiting for doors to open was slashed considerably. In the originals, waiting for a door to open signaled loading time for the game. The wii considerably speeds up the loading times for MP1 and MP2, both of which were on the technologically-challenged Gamecube.

The trilogy comes in a collector's edition. For those expecting radical new extras, prepare to be disappointed. The only 'radical' extra that is plainly visible is the shiny box the game case resides in. Also, you need look no further than the blurb on the first page of the instruction manual to find the only other extra. The Concept and Art insert. The flimsy little foldout booklet behind (or often in front of) said instruction manual. While it does contain some interesting art from the game, it also has a synopsis of the trilogy storyline. Even if you've only barely skimmed through the games, you would know a lot more than the synopsis reveals, and it would also be a lot more accurate. Putting it a different way, even Wikipedia would have done a better job at summarising the plot.

Metroid Prime Trilogy is a recommended purchase for any aspiring Metroid fan, be they hardcore or retro. Ignoring any bonus features promised, the game provides an enjoyable playing experience with the luxury of reliving the entire Prime series, bonuses and all.

Customer Buzz
 "Great Games Get Better !!" 2009-09-29
By Mr. DJ Rendell (Mansfield Uk)
Firstly the fact that you are getting three games is a plus in its self as where else could you get three full games for the price of one game ? Having owned Metriod Prime on the gamecube and have played Metriod Prime 2 i already knew they were quality games. What makes them so much better here is the inclusion of Metriod Prime 3 wii controls that are one of the best first person contol schemes for any console!! All three games contain good storylines and lots of gameplay to keep you playing. Another neat feature is that the collectables system from 3 (where you are rewarded tokens in game and can give tokens to people on your friends list) has been included in 1 and 2. Now all that is needed to make the Metriod Prime series complete would be a wii remake of Metriod Prime Hunter on the ds.

Customer Buzz
 "Great games, great value" 2009-09-28
By Matteo Bocchi
This compilation contains three games: Metroid Prime, Metroid prime 2: Echoes, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.

The first two games have been released on the Nintendo gamecube quite some years ago, while Corruption has been released for the Nintendo Wii just a couple years ago or so.

Since all the games have been released already, it is important to review what is new.

Nothing has changed in Metroid prime 3: Corruption, as far as I can tell.

Regarding Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, the obvious big difference is in the control scheme, which takes advantage of the Wii remote to aim on screen. The result is honestly great. There are three control settings, and I advise to play with the professional-advanced settings, which are very responsive and really a blast to play with.

Controls are very tight and the whole experience is really enhanced by the quality of them.

There are some graphics enhancements to the 2 games: specifically the inclusion of 16/9 support and progressive scan.

These cosmetic changes are welcome, and round up a presentation of the compilation which is really good.

The graphics of the first two games appear to be crisp and very nice, although I can spot a general feeling of low resolution texture mapping here and there. The 3rd episode on the other hand solves this problem and looks technically amazing.

But forget the number of poligons or the texture effects. Tech is great, but here, all the three games deliver an artistic view, where attention to details is really the amazing point.

If you never played any of the titles in the compilation, this is really the best way to enjoy one of the best games of all time (Metroid Prime), plus its incredibly good sequels.

If you played already one or more of the games, consider that the new controls are so good that in my opinion it is worth playing the games again.

Three amazing games for the price of one is really a great value, especially when the games share this level of quality.

This compilation is really recommended.

Customer Buzz
 "Great games, great deal...mostly" 2009-09-23
By Mark Lockett (Manchester)
No doubt about it, these are great games and if you have not played them, this is a bargain pack. Amongst the best First Person shooter games on the Wii (Resident Evil 4 is still tops for me)and I consider the Wii THE best console for playing FPS games, despite its lack of power. The game controls on Corruption are damn near perfect, not quite, but close.

In my opinion, combat, at least in Corruption, is a little boring at times, enemies that take dozens and dozens of hits to kill zooming around at lightspeed is okay now and then, but when they do it with almost every boss, and some others, it gets a bit old after a while. - Too much button-bashing and not enough strategy, but the game is a whole lot more than just combat. Puzzles and exploring galore!

Shame all those who supported this series coming to the Wii by buying Metroid prime corruption, when it first came out, now have to buy it again to get the whole collection.

Customer Buzz
Having played METROID PRIME 1&2 on GameCube and then playing MP 3 on the Wii , I jumped at the chance to replay MP 1&2 using the Wii-mote and I was NOT disappointed , the new controls are totaly awesome and they definitely draw you / the player more into the game , also the graphics /lighting has been enhanced and all 3 games look & play out of this world.

Only thing that I was a bit disappointed about was that NINTENDO of AMERICA released the game in the USA packaged in the collectors edition STEELBOOK / TIN CASE , where-as here in the good old UK we got the collectors edition in the NORMAL PLASTIC CASE packaging , go to YOUTUBE and look up a MP TRILOGY collectors edition UNBOXING vid and you'll see that the TIN CASE looks amazing it's VERY VERY COOL indeed , that small gripe aside this MP TRILOGY deal is probably the gamers BEST BUY of the CENTURY , all 3 games on 1 disc for under £40 is SIMPLY a NO BRAINER , its a MUST HAVE BUY for lovers of the MP franchise or Wii owners in general , even if you already own all 3 games you must still buy the trilogy coz you'll love the experience of playing through MP1&2 using the Wii-Mote.


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