
Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

Buy Cheap Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

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The ultimate Nintendo hero is taking the ultimate step ... out into space. Join Mario as he ushers in a new era of video games, defying gravity across all the planets in the galaxy. Features: Shake, tilt and point! Mario takes advantage of all the unique aspects of the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controller, unleashing new moves as players shake the controller and even point at and drag items with the pointer. Mario essentially defined the 3-D platforming genre with Super Mario® 64, and this game proves once again that he is king. Players perform mind-bending, lowgravity jumps across wild alien terrain as they experience platforming for a new generation.

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Customer Buzz
 "SUPER Mario Galaxay" 2009-10-12
By laxey lass (kent)
This is an exellent game...Hours of fun and frustration

Mario has to complete challenges and different galaxies to collect the stars meeting various bad guys along the way..

We are loving this game and cannot wait to get Mario Galaxy 2!!

Customer Buzz
 "Thanks for a quic delevery m8" 2009-10-01
By Mr. D. Haywood
Got this secound hand and working well ,Thanks to seller ofr speedy delivery .

Customer Buzz
 "super mario galaxy wii" 2009-07-26
By M. Pottinger (uk)
hours of fun with this game.

I reccomend it to all wii players

Customer Buzz
 "A different take on the platformer" 2009-07-24
By Me T. Garrett (Hampshire, England)
I bought this game for my girlfriend so that she could play solo. It turns out this game isn't as simple as I expected...or maybe its that its not as familiar as I expected, because it is in fact very linear.

I think I prefer the old style of a big world and then running about as in Mario 64 but I must admit that this new style IS fun.

The two-player element is a bit lacklustre, but at least it does have one - I control Mario and she fires the starbits and collects them too, which she seems to enjoy a lot! (she also like forcing Mario to jump with her controller which makes it a bit trickier!)

Great graphics, confusing camera-work but overall very entertaining.

I'd recommend it.

Customer Buzz
 "A good game" 2009-07-15
By S. Coen (England)
This game is really fun. The levels do get harder during the game. There is only one downside to the game and it is that when you are playing 2 player the second player does not actually do much so it does get a bit boring.

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Buy Super Mario Galaxy (Wii) Now

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